While I was in the Netherlands earlier this month, the Naturalis Newsroom was gracious enough to feature me in not just one, but two episodes. The first was the subject of last week’s blog and the second was about science communication. That science communication, #scicomm, has become a thing worthy of a video about makes me simultaneously delighted and concerned, as I revealed quite expressively in the video: #armflop. Watch below to see who my #scicommhero is–and let me know yours!
On the topic of science communication, if you are a #scicomm professional in the southern U.S. I want to take this opportunity to invite you to a meet up! Other parts of the country have regional science communicator chapters, but in the South we have never connected with each other. And strengthening bonds among science communicators in this part of the country is more important now than ever. So next January, we’re throwing the first ever get-together of science communicators in the region. More information forthcoming this fall: #scicommsouth2018.